The Buildings of the Town


Courtesy of the Bessmer Historical Society One of the landmarks of what remains of the town of Ideal is the YMCA.  Based on research the building was built of stone and took approximately one year to complete.  It is not known what year this photograph was taken.During the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918 and 1919 the building served as a hospital.   The building finally opened as a club house, (notice the above the door Miners Club sign) in 1919.  Sadly , this building was destroyed by fire in July of 1925, with  a loss of $25,000.  However it is one of the most intact structures that remains in the town.
One of the things that I find fascinating about the building is that it is in the perfect shape of a cross.  the entrance to the building would have been the top of the cross facing  west.  The miners would have had a gorgeous view of the Spanish Peaks.   To the right of the building there are the remnants of the physicians office and bath house. Images of YMCA aerial


Ideal Colorado History